
2024 Dates to Remember

This year I will to be exhibiting at the following events:

Bucks Open Studios
The Obsidian Gallery Stoke Mandeville runs until Mid July

The Society of Wildlife Artists International Nature in Art, Twigworth, Glos

The 163rd Society of Women Artists , The Mall Galleries
25-29 June

West Wycombe Art Group Annual Exhibition
West Wycombe Village Hall HP14 3AB
August 23-26 2924

Wooburn Arts Festival
St Pauls Church Hall, Wooburn Green, Bucks HP10 0PW

The Wildlife Art Society International


The Wildlife Art Society International Exhibition
Nature In Art
Twigworth, Glos.
27th May - 4th June

Bucks Open Studios 10-18 June 11-5 daily
At The George & Dragon Hotel, West Wycombe


Art at The George & Dragon


The Gallery is now opening after a difficult couple of years. There is a good selection of my work together with other excellent local artists.

The Society of Women Artists 162nd Exhibition


Exhibition of the Society of Women Artists 162nd Exhibition
6th June - 10th June 2023 at The Mall Galleries, London